Yuav Ua Li Cas Siv Pob Zeb Pumice: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav Ua Li Cas Siv Pob Zeb Pumice: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)
Yuav Ua Li Cas Siv Pob Zeb Pumice: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Video: Yuav Ua Li Cas Siv Pob Zeb Pumice: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)

Video: Yuav Ua Li Cas Siv Pob Zeb Pumice: 13 Kauj Ruam (nrog Duab)
Video: Musicians talk about Buckethead 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Pumice yog tsim thaum kub lava txias sai heev uas cov txheej txheem ntxeem tau cov pa roj hauv cov khoom ua kom tawv, ua rau cov ntxeem tau thiab pob zeb txhuam zoo meej rau ua kom tawv nqaij qhuav. Txhawm rau siv lub pob zeb pumice, ua kom tawv nqaij raug mob hauv dej sov, ntub lub pob zeb, tom qab ntawd maj mam txhuam lub pob zeb hla thaj tsam uas siv cov lus tsa suab kom txog thaum koj tshem cov tawv nqaij tuag. Ntxiv rau nws lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm daim tawv nqaij, koj tseem tuaj yeem siv pumice tshem tawm cov plaub hau, tshem cov tshuaj los ntawm ntaub, thiab tseem ntxuav koj lub tso quav.

Cov kauj ruam

Ntu 1 ntawm 3: Exfoliating Nrog Pumice Pob Zeb

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 1
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 1

Kauj Ruam 1. So koj cov tawv nqaij uas zoo nkauj hauv dej sov

Qhov feem ntau ntawm lub cev kom tshem tawm nrog pob zeb pumice yog txhais taw. Heels yuav tsim ib txheej tawv, tawv nqaij uas tuaj yeem ua rau tawg lossis nplai. Koj lub luj tshib yog lwm thaj chaw uas yuav tau txais txiaj ntsig los ntawm kev tshem tawm. Tsau lub cev uas muaj npe nyob hauv dej sov li ntawm tsib feeb kom tawv nqaij.

  • Yog tias koj tab tom ua haujlwm ntawm koj txhais taw, koj yuav xav sau lub tais nrog dej sov thiab tsau koj txhais taw hauv lub tais.
  • Rau lwm qhov ntawm lub cev, pumicing ua ib feem ntawm koj da dej yuav yooj yim dua.
Siv Pumice Stone Step 2
Siv Pumice Stone Step 2

Kauj Ruam 2. Tos kom txog thaum koj cov tawv nqaij qhuav tau muag lawm

Cov tawv nqaij yuav yooj yim tshem tawm yog tias nws muag thiab muag muag. Hnov koj cov tawv nqaij tom qab ob peb feeb ntawm soaking. Yog tias nws tseem hnov tawv, tos ob peb feeb ntxiv (muab dej sov ua kom sov yog tias tsim nyog). Yog tias nws muag, koj cov tawv nqaij npaj rau pob zeb pumice.

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 3
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 3

Kauj Ruam 3. Ntub pob zeb

Kev ntub dej ntawm pob zeb yuav pab kom nws yooj yim dua hla koj cov tawv nqaij, ntau dua li ntes nws. Khiav lub pob zeb hauv qab dej sov, lossis nqes mus rau hauv qhov dej uas koj tsau koj cov tawv nqaij, txhawm rau kom ntub nws kom huv si. TSWV YIM TSHUAJ

Diana Yerkes
Diana Yerkes

Diana Yerkes

Skincare Professional Diana Yerkes is the Lead Esthetician at Rescue Spa in New York City, New York. Diana is a member of the Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) and holds certifications from the Wellness for Cancer and Look Good Feel Better programs. She received her esthetics education from the Aveda Institute and the International Dermal Institute.

Diana Yerkes
Diana Yerkes

Diana Yerkes

Skincare Professional

Pro Tip:

You especially want to remove calluses from your heels during the summertime when you'll be wearing sandals.

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 4
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 4

Kauj Ruam 4. Rub nws maj mam hla thaj chaw uas raug mob

Siv qhov kev txav mus los txhawm rau tshem tawm cov tawv nqaij tuag nrog cov pob zeb pumice. Yog tias daim tawv nqaij zoo nkauj thiab muag muag, nws yuav tsum pib tawm los. Mus txuas ntxiv kom txog thaum koj tshem cov tawv nqaij tuag thiab mus rau cov tawv nqaij tshiab, muag muag hauv qab.

  • Tsis txhob nyuab zog. Lub teeb siab yog txhua yam uas xav tau; cia saum npoo ntawm pob zeb ua haujlwm.
  • Yog tias koj tab tom ua haujlwm ntawm koj txhais taw, tsom mus rau pob taws, ob sab ntawm koj cov ntiv taw, thiab lwm qhov chaw uas cov tawv nqaij qhuav zoo li tsim.
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 5
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 5

Kauj Ruam 5. Yaug thiab rov ua dua

Yaug tawm cov tawv nqaij tuag thiab saib seb koj puas xav tau mus txuas ntxiv. Yog tias koj tseem pom cov tawv nqaij tuag, hla thaj tsam dua nrog cov pob zeb pumice. Txuas ntxiv siv pob zeb ntawm thaj chaw kom txog thaum koj txaus siab rau qhov tshwm sim.

  • Txij li lub pob zeb pumice yuav hnav me ntsis thaum koj siv nws, koj yuav tsum tau tig nws dua kom tau qhov tshiab uas koj tuaj yeem siv los ua kom tawv nqaij ntawm koj cov tawv nqaij.
  • Yaug lub pob zeb pumice ntau zaus kom nws cov av huv thiab muaj txiaj ntsig.
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 6
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 6

Kauj Ruam 6. Qhuav thiab moisturize koj cov tawv nqaij

Thaum koj ua tiav, siv daim phuam los so koj cov tawv nqaij kom qhuav. Tsho thaj tsam nrog cov roj lossis qab zib los tiv thaiv nws kom qhuav sai sai. Koj cov tawv nqaij uas tau hu ua yav dhau los yuav tsum yog tam sim no mos, muag thiab ci.

  • Txiv maj phaub roj, roj almond, lossis tshuaj pleev lub cev yog qhov zoo siv los kho koj cov tawv nqaij tom qab ua kua.
  • Rov ua ntau zaus raws li xav tau kom koj cov tawv nqaij zoo.

Ntu 2 ntawm 3: Saib Xyuas Pumice Pob Zeb

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb 7
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb 7

Kauj Ruam 1. Txhuam nws tom qab siv tas

Cov tawv nqaij tuag yuav tsim nyob rau hauv lub qhov hws ntawm lub pob zeb thaum koj siv nws, yog li koj yuav xav ntxuav lub pob zeb tom qab siv tas. Siv txhuam txhuam los txhuam cov pob zeb thaum tuav nws hauv qab cov dej ntws. Ntxiv xab npum me me los pab ntxuav lub pob zeb kom tiav. Txoj hauv kev no koj lub pob zeb yuav huv thiab npaj siv lwm lub sijhawm koj xav tau.

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 8
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 8

Kauj Ruam 2. Tso nws kom qhuav tag

Teem lub pob zeb pumice hauv qhov chaw qhuav kom nws tsis txhob ntub ntawm qhov siv. Qee lub pob zeb pumice tuaj nrog txoj hlua txuas uas tso cai rau koj dai lub pob zeb kom qhuav. Yog tias koj cia lub pob zeb ntub, cov kab mob tuaj yeem loj tuaj hauv qhov hws, ua rau nws tsis nyab xeeb rau siv.

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 9
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 9

Kauj Ruam 3. Boil nws yog tias tsim nyog

Txhua lub sijhawm, koj yuav xav muab pob zeb ntxuav kom huv kom paub tseeb tias nws tsis muaj kab mob. Nqa ib lub lauj kaub dej me me mus rau rhaub kom puv, tso rau hauv lub pob zeb, thiab rhaub nws li tsib feeb. Siv tus nplaig tshem lub pob zeb los ntawm cov dej thiab tso nws kom qhuav ua ntej khaws cia.

  • Yog tias koj siv pob zeb nquag, rhaub nws txhua ob lub lis piam kom ntseeg tau tias nws nyob huv.
  • Yog tias koj tau siv pob zeb ntawm qhov av qias neeg, koj tuaj yeem ntxiv cov tshuaj dawb rau hauv dej kom paub tseeb tias txhua tus kab mob tau raug tua.
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 10
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 10

Kauj Ruam 4. Hloov lub pob zeb thaum nws poob qis

Pumice yog pob zeb mos mos uas yuav kawg siv tom qab koj tau siv nws ib ntus. Thaum nws tau txais me me los tswj tau yooj yim, lossis cov nplaim dhau dhau los ua haujlwm tau zoo, mus tom ntej thiab caij nplooj ntoo hlav rau qhov tshiab. Pumice pob zeb tsis kim thiab tuaj yeem nrhiav tau ntawm txhua lub khw uas muag cov khoom siv zoo nkauj.

Ntu 3 ntawm 3: Tshawb Nrhiav Lwm Yam Kev Siv

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 11
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 11

Kauj Ruam 1. Siv nws tshem cov plaub hau

Cov neeg Greek thaum ub tau siv pumice tshem tawm cov plaub hau ntawm lub cev, thiab qee leej tseem siv nws rau lub hom phiaj no. Pumice ua rau maj mam tshem tawm cov plaub hau ntuj. So koj cov tawv nqaij hauv da dej lossis da dej kom txog thaum nws sov thiab muag. Ntub lub pob zeb pumice, tom qab ntawd txhuam koj cov tawv nqaij siv cov lus sib dhos maj mam. Tsis pub dhau 30 vib nas this, thaj chaw uas koj tab tom rub yuav tsis muaj plaub hau.

  • Cov teebmeem ntawm pumicing zoo ib yam li cov teebmeem ntawm shaving. Cov plaub hau raug tshem tawm ze ntawm daim tawv nqaij, tsis yog rub tawm.
  • Pumicing yuav tsum tsis txhob mob. Yog tias koj hnov mob, xyuas kom koj tsis txhob nyuab heev.
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 12
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 12

Kauj Ruam 2. Siv nws tshem cov tshuaj los ntawm khaub ncaws

Cov mos mos, ntxeem tau nto ntawm cov pumice yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kev noj tshuaj thiab lint tawm ntawm cov khaub ncaws. Yog tias koj muaj lub tsho khiab mis uas koj xav tau ntxuav, tso nws rau ntawm qhov tiaj. Rub ib lub pob zeb pumice qhuav hla cov tshuaj hauv cov lus tsa suab. Tsis txhob nias hnyav dhau, vim koj tsis xav ua kom puas ntawm cov khaub ncaws; lub siab maj mam yog txhua yam uas xav tau los noj cov tshuaj tam sim ntawd.

Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 13
Siv Pumice Pob Zeb Kauj Ruam 13

Kauj Ruam 3. Siv nws los ntxuav koj lub tso quav

Pumice tuaj yeem siv los tshem cov nplhaib tooj liab los ntawm sab hauv ntawm chav dej. Muab ob lub hnab looj tes uas tsis muaj ntxhiab ntxhua kom pib. Tom qab ntawd tsuas yog rub lub pob zeb pumice hla lub nplhaib siv cov lus tsa suab. Rov ua dua kom txog thaum lub nplhaib ploj mus.

  • Koj tuaj yeem siv pob zeb ua ke nrog lub tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws kom ntau dua cov quav tawv.
  • Nco ntsoov siv cov pob zeb sib cais rau kev ntxuav chav dej thiab siv lub cev. Tsis txhob siv tib lub pob zeb rau ob lub hom phiaj.

Yees duab - Los ntawm kev siv qhov kev pabcuam no, qee cov ntaub ntawv yuav raug muab qhia rau YouTube

Lub tswv yim

  • Tom qab koj ua tiav koj txhais taw du thiab muab tshuaj pleev tso rau thom khwm kom muaj dej noo. Nws yuav ua rau koj txhais taw du dua.
  • Siv pob zeb pumice tsawg kawg ib hlis ib zaug kom tsis txhob tawv nqaij rov qab los, siv ntau dua yog tias koj nyob ntawm koj ko taw ntau lossis hnav khau uas ua rau koj txhais taw mob.
  • Koj kuj tseem tuaj yeem siv pob zeb pumice tshem cov khaub ncaws los ntawm kev yooj yim rub nws hla daim khaub ncaws kom maj mam muab.

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